If you've come to this sight to see our Super Mod Turbos scroll down the page here, however I would encourage you to read through this sight, it's not long, to have a better understanding of where we are coming from.
When I say lowering fuel consumption, It is the idea that while increasing volumetric efficiency there is the ability to get more work out of the fuel. There is a lot more to turbo charging than is typically understood from information derived from all sorts of books related. Then there is a lot of information about turbo systems that now is mostly common knowledge. Depending on how heavy you are into the programing aspects of control systems related and determining power levels needed, understanding all the components, their design and implementation with their variable arrangements, will determine a wide variable of outputs. It you drive fairly without flooring it all the time, or what may constitute "normal driving conditions" then yes, under the proper system design, you can achieve less fuel consumption.With a more efficient system typically more power is derived in some form or another within or throughout the rpm curve. My Turbo SV650 at the top here never saw much of 48mpg at best under it's stock configuration and with my awesome driving habits (kidding). This stock carbureted model sees an average of 45 to 48mpg and some see low 50's. You can go to a sight like Fuely.com and see some basically similar references. Now with its Turbo Induction configuration, and when I drive "normally", I rarely see less than 50mpg with 63mpg being my best on a long flat cruse and at 6krpm. As of the date of this writing, this is the only Turbo Charged SV650 in the US that we can find anyway. Visit this Link for more information related to the I.V.E. SV650 and Turbo Kit availability and ordering options.
Actually E.E. System Engineering is mostly prototyping and design engineering. We build the devices with machining and design through AutoCad or Solid Works. If I can't do it we have those who can. A lot of what I used to do was automotive related hence my knowledge and experimentation with engine design and efficiencies. For more on our Prototyping and Engineering services please VISIT THIS LINK. You can read more about my work in that field via of research and inventions at THIS LINK. For this blog in particular though it will be more centered on Turbo Charging and some of the kits or design features we implement on systems past and present. It will deal more with the specifics of science and physics related although will be tailored a bit more for those who want to research more. Also I have a suggested reading or book list also some links to sights I found to have the credentials with more of a substantiated and reputable reference.
Along with some of our research and prototyping we've built different hybrid turbos for specific applications. For typical rebuild costs, turbo kits, services etc. please VISIT THIS LINK as that will get you variable pricing guide as to what you can basically expect in getting your existing unit rebuild. There are so many variables as to condition and or specific upgrades for just about any turbo related specifically to machining and better materials. There are of course many Turbo rebuilding services available within the internet in general but there is the experience and research background that adds to the technical services and thinking behind what we do that is not as conventional which we are not confined by.
With today's stand alone fuel management systems like Mega Squirt, their smaller Micro squirt systems, AEM, EMS, Moates, PointStep, Edelbrock, Holly, Haltech, Link, Motec, Hydra, Electromotive, FAST, Accel, DFI, BigStuff3 and many others, fuel management has made marked improvements in fuel efficiencies. There are new and experimental methods that will increase the disassociation of the fuel molecules, obviously releasing surface tension with the trick of allowing that to perpetuate under negative or positive pressures while maintaining a constant. Obviously that is a small part of the equation. Our SIC Engines today are still only 28% to 40% efficient.(depends on what sources you read.) It should be obvious that diesel engines are more efficient. So there is only so much efficiency from the power plant that can be derived. The other obvious is how a person drives the vehicle. Just to note, there are well over a 65 suggestions and methods on Ecomodder.com that you can read about that can provide significant savings in fuel mileage should one decide to implement some of the ideas. At this sight as above, you can read about our engine design changes to get away from the base 100 year old design in-efficiencies.
HX35 TO HE351cw or HX40 Wheel Modification Video
Pricing of Super Mods

Additional data on the above you can find scrolling down a bit further.
If you don't have one of the above turbos and would like to see what we can do with what you have please E-mail me at tcduster72@yahoo.com As of this writing I have more pictures to upload and more importantly as I gather precise data on these turbos I will post that information here as well.
A few other goodies available:
Just a couple things we make that some should have. First is an Adjustable Oil Restriction Device. Turbonetics for example includes one when you buy one of their expensive ball bearing turbos but many come in with damaged turbine bushing or thrust plate damage or worse, due to not enough oil. Guys running 10-50w or so it's just to thick, or ambient conditions are cold with longer periods of starvation on the bushings. Or, some may have higher volume/pressure oil pumps which then start pushing oil past the sealing rings on the turbo, thus creating more issues. Or like me, on turbo bikes and motorcycles having high oil pressure same problem. So we make adjustable restrictors that can be adjusted via a visual (or if you can hook up oil pressure gauge to the out put of restrictor) in order to not over pressure the center housing and like me, like to run different weight oils during different seasons and adjust accordingly. These are in line and typically run a cost of $45 to $65 plus shipping. Here is an example of one on a Turbonetics that came in with the above described typical problem.
Additional Data:
Inducer from 43.25mm to 43.89
Exducer from 67.98mm to 71.86
Reach Height difference from 18.48 to 26.65mm
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